Has your creamy balm gone bumpy? Even though the texture may feel unappealing, the product has NOT gone bad and is still effective! When butters heat up and then cool down slowly, the fatty acids separate and cause crystallization. Often, in my balms, it's the Shea butter acting up!
If you don't mind the grains, you can just rub them onto your skin and the crystals will melt on contact. However, if you'd like to fix your balm and return it to its creamy state, you can! First, set your stove to a temperature of 175 degrees. Take off the lid of the balm and set the balm on an oven-safe tray. (I usually use a cookie tray) Place it inside the oven for 20-30 minutes. Take out the tray and place the balm immediately in the freezer. BE CAREFUL - the balm, tin and tray will be extremely hot! Once the balm returns to its solid state, you can take it out of the freezer and enjoy the creaminess again!
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